Welcome to www.KaleeshaMun/bday.com
this card was made to shown Anestha Mundane's loves and affections to Kaleesha Mun
i've known you for more than 2 years and i've always amazed by your spirit and personality. and we became friends and its one of the best things thats ever happened to me. i want to make sure you're happy 24/7 and protect you from any bad things in the world, i just wanna see your pretty smile. you never fail to make me happier and feel better. i'm so thankful to be able to call you "close friends". i just want you to know that i'm so glad to meet you, to be your friend, to be your home. in such a short time you became someone extremely important in my life. i honestly do not know how to express all the affection I have towards you. you are a wonderful little person with a fragile little heart and a strong character. today you are one year older, i wish everything good for you. thank you very much for all the support and sincerity that you really give me, i greatly value having you in my life. i hope you know how much you mean to me, i can't even describe it. (。’▽’。)♡

with the passage of time i have realized how special you are to me, how much i love you and long to have you until life separates us, which I hope will never happen. we have almost met two years of knowing each other, two years of lots of laughter and the occasional tear. there really are many things that I want to comment on, xixi.
OKE AKU MAU NGOMONG PAKE BAHASA YHA JGN HUJAT KLO INGGRISKU BULUK BGT DSH!!! rin, asli banget ini mah makasih udah mau singgah di hidupku. bikin aku ngerti gimana rasanya punya sahabat yang selalu ada, yang kompak banget, kamu galau aku galau, fangirlan bareng, nangis bareng, kayaknya aku ngga akan cape deh buat ngebacotin hal-hal kayak gini setiap hari. karena aku bener-bener ngerasa bahagia punya kamu di hidup aku. makasih ya rin atas segalanya, aku sayang kamu dsh ngga ngerti lagi huhu mwu nangis. ( •᷄⌓•᷅ )

10 bday sentaces for a cheery girl
happy birthday, Kaleesha Mun!
bahagia selalu ya <3
Ik hoop dat je gezond blijft
ti meriti i miei affetti
tu mérites le bonheur
Я тебя люблю

you are a little person of gold who deserves all the love in the world, do not let anyone ever make you think otherwise, remember that i will always be here for you in case you need something, count on me for whatever you need i will not hesitate to help you for whatever, i hope you have a wonderful day that is the least you deserve <3 thank you for always being yourself. no matter what at you do or how you feel, please know you did your best. you are always doing your great. i adooooooreeeeeee yoooouuuu! ( ^∇^)
oh my God my heart! your smile its so ugh- thank you for smiling today. promise me tomorrow you will smile again, kkay? i'm happy to see you happy too. keep your smile and chin up! don't let your crown fall princess ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
e- eeh? why???? do you wanna to talk to??? hit me up rightnow! i'm here beside you, and i'll always beside you. promise me tomorrow you will smile widely. thank you for existing, you are great (๑`・ᴗ・´๑)

it has been two years since we meet. let's say that we met on February 2019 xoxo. i will drop a timer as a reminder.
Kaleesha mun i hope you have the most amazing birthday in the entire world. you deserve to be happy. i hope you smiled a lot because happiness looks absolutely amazing on you. there is simply no negative emotion to hold right now for this precious day. you are so special to me. ♡
with love,
Awards for Kaleesha Mun